Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Home Again, Happy and Tired!

It's always sad when you realize it's another 363 days until Rhinebeck comes around again. I had a really great time, but what with working in Jen's booth and saying "hi" to folks you know, the time goes by in the blink of an eye.

So, for all of you who want to know what I brought home this year - I did not buy anything! No shopping for me this time, I did have a few things that I had been thinking about, but since I didn't really look at other booths much I didn't see those things and therefore didn't buy them. Honestly, I'm not sure that I really remembered what they were, because I was so busy.

I did do a lot of enabling - a spinning wheel for one friend, a black angora bunny for another, a couple of fleeces, a drum carder for a woman who I met in the Spirit Trail booth, knitting needles, fiber, and other stuff, and I really had a great time doing that.

Other than booth duty in Spirit Trail, I also booth-sat for Gilbert of Robin Wheels as he was doing the booth on his own with no helper. Really smooth, nice wheels, and he had a lot of interested folks, and buyers as well. It was nice to be able to sit down and spin for 20-30 minutes.

I only had time for a few pictures, but one of the nice things was that Purlewe was there, and took a shot of the three of us, Martha, Jen, and me, in the booth. I seldom have any pictures of me on my blog, so here goes-
My favorite Tunis sheep at the festival - she just loved to be petted, and having her head scratched!

And even though the weather looked terrible ahead of time, it cleared up and the crowds arrived on Saturday. You can even see some of the fall color in the background - it's late for peak color this year, at home most of our trees haven't even really started to change color yet.
A last shot of the Sprit Trail Fiberworks booth - it was double the size this year, and still very full of yarn and fiber.
No photos, but my entries in the skein and garment competition did okay, too. The pink socks continued their good run, getting a blue ribbon. 4 of my five entries got ribbons, including the Tunis hat and fingerless gloves from the previous post. It will be nice to finally be able to wear the socks insted of just having them look nice for shows.
I am going to get back to busily finalizing my handouts for the toe-up sock class at the Knitters Review Retreat now that I am home. These should be done in the next few days, and then the weekend will be a massive cleaning and culling exercise. After all, I need the room in case I decide to enhance the stash at the next fiber event, right?


Blogger Marfa's Mewsings said...

Shelia, the great enabler ^..^
Great photos of Rhinebeck! Thanks for the good recap of our week-end.
And as my blog entry today, 10.18, I have tagged you. Bess did this to me & I am doing it to you & so it goes.

4:22 PM, October 18, 2005  
Blogger Shelia said...

Bess already tagged me too - so you need to tag someone else, ha, ha.

4:57 PM, October 18, 2005  
Blogger Amie said...

Ahh... even more jealous. What a beautiful pic of the three of you! And I wish I'd had the extra time with you three - but the phone call was much appreciated, and I'll see you soon!

5:23 PM, October 18, 2005  

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