Friday, August 05, 2005

New Template

Just a quick post to acknowledge changing my template - for some reason I was not happy with the original one, but changing it meant I had to tinker around a little. I guess next I have to figure out the links section, but that's for another day.

Also, no Birch photos - I was having a difficulty finding a dark background, and then the batteries on my camera gave up the ghost, so I'll try again this evening.

And for those who know that I don't name my wheels , or my cars, or really anything that is not a living, breathing person or animal, I should explain that Patience is the official model name of the wheel pictured below, not a name that I gave her.

Yeah - it's Friday!


Blogger Marfa's Mewsings said...

Great new, crisp look for your blog.
If you need any assistance w/the links part, please let me know & I can tell you what A. did to set that up for me. Have a great week-end.

1:56 PM, August 05, 2005  

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